"You have to go!''A former colleague told me hearing that I will be in Santa Fe for a few days, "You have to go to see Meow Wolf!" I wasn't sure about it as I had already had plans."What kind of name is this anyway, what does it mean?'' I remember looking for an excuse not to go. "The name does not matter'', he said and I thought that did not sound encouraging. He insisted, "Don't google it, just go''.
Originating in Santa Fe, with their project House of Eternal Return, Meow Wolf has now two more locations in Denver and Las Vegas. They describe themselves as a company that "creates immersive and interactive experiences that transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of story and exploration."
So what is it? How do you describe it without describing it? Looking back, I think about it as a playground, a medicine against fear of making mistakes, and an encouragement to explore. There is no map in Meow Wolf, you are not told where to go and what to do, or not to do. If you forgot how to be a kid, Meow Wolf will remind you of that, if you forgot enchantment and curiosity, Meow Wolf will guide you back to it. You will loose sense of direction, be fooled by optical illusions, surprised by textures, sounds, and colors during your interaction with the environment, transported in multiple worlds, all to get back to best gift of all, imagination.
I read that joy is the most difficult to attain of all feelings. Not at Meow Wolf.
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